Saturday, April 21, 2012

A nice place to follow....a groundbreaking for the Library Terrace Project

Jeff Davis County Library building (1906), across the street from the County Courthouse and next to the historic Limpia Hotel
Judge Geoge Grubb, Cyndee Barnes (President, Friends of the Jeff Davis County Library) and Toi Fisher (Jeff Davis County Library Director) along with Judge Fred Ganado, Crisarely Ponce (Fort Davis High School Student) and Rep. Pete Gallego officially broke ground for the project, Thursday, April 19.  

One of the joys of working as the regional heritage trails organization in Far West Texas is our association with the Texas Historical Commission on the Heritage Tourism Partnership Grant program.  Through this program, grant funds have been available for worthy community projects that contribute to the region's desirability as a heritage tourism attraction, or increase awareness of our cultural or historic resources. (Sadly, state budget cuts required the suspension of this program.)  A committee of our Texas Mountain Trail Board of Directors reviewed grant applications the past two years and made recommendations to the Texas Historical Commission for funding. 

The Jeff Davis County Library was awarded a $10,000 grant for their project.  The terrace project will develop a pleasant, welcoming, outdoor seating area where everyone is welcome to meet, relax, read and access the library's wireless network at all hours.  There will also be permanent outdoor displays with local information outlining the historical significance of the Fort Davis area.

The design will comply with the THC's guidance on preserving the integrity of the original 1906 structure, will be "Dark Skies compliant," and ADA accessible.

At Thursday's groundbreaking, many key donors were recognized including the THC's Heritage Tourism Partnership Grant.  Rep. Pete Gallego pledged fundraising effort for 10% of the project budget...a pledge to bring in $9,000.00.  You can  follow the progress of the Terrace Project here:

You can support the Friends organization and the Terrace Project here:

When the project is finished, thanks to the Friends of the Library and many donors and supporters,  there will be a lovely, relaxing place for local residents and visitors to enjoy! 

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