Thursday, May 03, 2012

Dennis McElveen's Big Bend Week

One of the benefits of staying overnight in the Chisos Basin in Big Bend National Park--at the Lodge or the campground—is the stunning view of the setting sun through the Window.

We thank our guest photographer, Dennis McElveen, who’s shared his beautiful images with us all week.  Dennis captured this lovely shot, “ The sunset view was taken from the sunset vista near the visitors center in the Chisos Mountains area. We were hoping for a colorful evening with the light bouncing off clouds but this image popped from the clouds. The colorful sunset never appeared because of the distant storm we didn't realize was coming later in the night.”

Big, big Texas Mountain Trail thanks to Dennis for his generosity in sharing all these beautiful images of Big Bend.   Interested in seeing more of Dennis’ work?  Contact him at damfoto (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

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