Friday, June 01, 2012

Sunset over Historic Sauceda Ranch

And the ranch in the daylight!
Big Bend Ranch State Park is the largest state park in Texas and offers some of the best mountain biking anywhere (And who says so?  The International Mountain Biking Association says so!) as well as great hiking and photography opportunities.  When you're in the park you're WAY out in the wilderness.  Most campsites are are away from each other, and there's lots of privacy and quiet in which to enjoy an evening's sunset.

Visitors can also stay in the park's bunkhouse or the Big House, which is the historic ranch house in the center of the park.  The Sauceda Ranch, in the center of the park (where the bunkhouse and the Big House are located) is the location of the first ranch established here in 1894.

Click here to view a walking tour guide for the historic Sauceda Ranch.  Take the tour, and you'll see the Tack Room, the Wool Barn, Corrals, the Dormitory and the Big House!


  1. I’m planning to visit Big Bend soon and would like to stay at the Ranch House. Im told the drive from the entrance to the Ranch House and a 1hr drive and very rugged. Can you please share your experience with the drive?

  2. Yes, that's absolutely right, Elia. The road is rugged and it does take an hour, but most cars can handle it. Be sure your spares are in good condition. It is LOVELY and scenic and you'll love the drive. Go to the park's website and follow their cautions for driving in the park. And have a GREAT TIME!!! Beth, Texas Mountain Trail
