Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Alpine's Art Walk is this Weekend!

Featured artist: Teresa Elliott
One of our region's premier fall events is Alpine's Art Walk, which will be held this Friday and Saturday in downtown Alpine.  A festival of visual art, music, and spectacle, Art Walk begins at 10 am on Friday and ends 10 pm on Saturday.

Twenty-seven locations will display artwork (most along Holland Street) or have activities for the public.  (Click here for a printable map!) Artwork will be featured in downtown stores, or in booths in the festival area.  All the music performances will be free--click here for a schedule of performances.  Once again, the amazing Bike Zoo of Austin will coming back to Art Walk....click here to read more about them!

Come on out to Alpine and join the fun!

Texas Mountain Trail Spotlight!

Now you can join the Texas Mountain Trail as a member and receive early notice of regional events and adventure opportunities.  Memberships are for visitors and residents of the region--anyone who loves the Texas Mountains and our communities.  Earn great benefits for your membership from the Museum of the Big Bend, Friends of Big Bend National Park and REI!  Click here to learn more!  As a non-profit organization serving all of Far West Texas, your support helps us send you great ideas, great images and great connections to all that's fun and GREAT about being here!

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