Saturday, December 15, 2012

Getting the word out to you

Our mission:  to find and share the adventure and
heritage of Far West Texas with all of you!
(Our Director in front of one of the highway signs
along the original driving route, the "Texas
Mountain Trail"
It is truly a labor of love to share our Texas Mountain Trail region with the world, to find adventure and heritage opportunities for travelers and residents of the Far West Texas, to connect all of you with "the time of your lives."

Our friend, Dave Gibson of DAKVideo in Abilene
volunteers his time and expertise to produce our video (below)

Every non-profit organization, and Texas Mountain Trail is a 501 c 3, needs support from friends to build programs.  We're blessed with GREAT volunteers who lend their time and expertise to the cause...board members from all over the region, volunteers who raise their hands and say, "hey, I want to help."

And we have friends who love this blog and our work on Facebook and Twitter, who know it takes time AND money to travel the region to find those great places, and across the state to meet travelers.
Now we're asking friends to contribute in a new way, to become members of our little non-profit.  In return, we've built some neat NEAT benefits as thank you's, and as opportunities to deepen your connection to the mountain.

Watch this volunteer-made video below, and then click on our giving page to become a member yourself!
Need more information?  Click here to read our case statement.  Or visit the members page on our website,


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