Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Heritage Hikes!

Porch of historic Pratt Cabin
on the McKittrick Canyon trail
Guadalupe Mountains National Park
As part of our Peak Fitness Challenge, we've identified special hiking trails that tell something about our history...our Texas Mountain Trail Heritage Hikes!  The Challenge is centered in Franklin Mountains State Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park (though we're looking at adding new trails in other parts of the region in the future), and there's PLENTY to learn about Texas by experiencing these designated trails.

The Peak Fitness Challenge is a FREE, FUN program designed to introduce new parks and new trails to folks of all fitness levels.  The Challenge website has terrific information, including topo maps, of the trails, plus great information about the location of the trailheads, elevation change and trail length.

We send prizes out on a random basis to never know when something neat might hit your mailbox!

The Texas Mountain Trail Heritage Hikes take you to the site of a murder of a Texas Ranger, plane crashes, historic ranch houses, old tin mines, stagecoach stops, and other neat places! 

Want to learn more?  We also have a rundown of the Texas Mountain Trail Heritage Hikes on our website:

Learn more about hiking opportunities in the Texas Mountains and the Peak Fitness Challenge, by visiting THIS page!

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