Friday, May 03, 2013

Texas History Online Book Club by Texas PBS!

Join the first online book group devoted to Texas History!

Texas PBS is proud to announce the first online book group devoted to Texas History, in conjunction with the new Texas, Our Texas initiative.

The group will be a reader-led experience, with Texas PBS bringing in authors/experts and documentaries/artwork to create a multifaceted, educational and interesting experience for group members.

The first book discussion will be Jan Reid’s Let the People In: The Life and Times of Ann Richards.

Go to

to become part of the inaugural discussion of this ground-breaking group!

Special Announcement:

Author Jan Reid will join the club for a web chat live from the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum Wednesday, May 29th at 8:00 pm. Find out more information about this special event at

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Travel Spotlight! 
Gage Gardens
Click on the photo for a
closer look!
On Tuesday, we headed to Marathon and visited Gage Gardens across the railroad track from the historic Gage Hotel.  Too many folks travel through Marathon and don't take the time to explore, and they're missing so much! 

The Gardens offer an oasis and a hideaway for anyone wanting to enjoy a quiet place for birdwatching, leisurely walks, or even a few minutes on the putting green! 


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