Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hospitality Hero--Glennda Merritt-Alcorn

Presentation of the Texas Mountain
Trail Hospitality Heroes Award by Drew
Stuart to Glennda Merritt-Alcorn at the
historic Hudspeth County Courthouse
in Sierra Blanca last week
Our Texas Mountain Trail organization recognizes people of the region who go above and beyond in their service to travelers.  Drew Stuart, TMT Board Member from Salt Flat nominated Glennda Merritt-Alcorn, and we were pleased last week to present the award to her at the historic Hudspeth County Courthouse in Sierra Blanca.  Drew Stuart:

"The woman I mentioned as a nominee for Hospitality Hero is Glennda Merritt-Alcorn, of Dell City and Sierra Blanca. Glennda has served for 6-plus years as administrator of Northern Hudspeth County EMS. In those years, Glennda has transformed the service from a rugged rural operation into a modern, professional ambulance service, pursuing and securing grant funding for new equipment, establishing sources of revenue, recruiting and providing training for responders and overseeing daily operations - all while responding personally to emergency medical calls at all hours of the day and night. For much of her time with EMS, Glennda worked purely as a volunteer.

The vast majority of the calls to which NHC-EMS responds are traffic accidents on Interstate 10  (there's generally at least one each day), and, as a direct result of Glennda's tireless work, travelers to our region are assured of reliable, professional ambulance service in the event of an accident or medical emergency in Hudspeth County.

EMS work can be exhausting and, at times, emotionally difficult (and sometimes thankless) - I think it would be wonderful to acknowledge Glennda's service to the region and to travelers in West Texas!"  

Thank you, Glennda, for all you do and congratulations! 

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