Friday, October 21, 2011

Cycle-friendly Stone Village Tourist Camp

Stone Village Tourist Camp Pool
Open air camp rooms...nice bedding, fresh air!

One hotel property to join our cycle-friendly program recently is the historic 1935 Stone Village Tourist Camp in Fort Davis.  The property features 14 comfortable motel rooms, 6 charming camp rooms, heated pool and a landscaped courtyard and patio. All rooms in the motor court provide a sense of rustic comfort with hardwood floors, throw rugs, cedar ceilings.   There's plenty of room to park your bicycle right in your room for the night!  Next door is the lovely Stone Village Market (their facebook page is here!) for breakfast and lunch treats, and snacks for your day's adventure on the trail or road.  
Stone Village motel room, every one is unique!

To read more about cycling in the Texas Mountain Trail region, visit:

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