Thursday, October 20, 2011

Yank and Yak at Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center

Sometimes when you visit a place, you fall in love with it and want to get involved.  So many folks are inspired by the high desert in our region, they want to spend part of their vacation helping out.  There are lots of opportunities to do this at Fort Davis' Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center.  

The Nature Center's Volunteer Coordinator, Susan Penney writes this, "Since this past year has given us a myriad of hardships including a severe drought, a hard freeze, a wild fire and flood - the Botanical Garden is in desperate need of pruning, weeding and general tidying up...our Yank and Yak group works in the Botanical Garden from 8:30 am to 10:30 am every Thursday morning.  As you might imagine, mornings are an absolutely wonderful  time to spend in the garden.  Our Yank and Yak Group is fun as well as productive.  If this sounds up your alley, please contact me at:"

One thing you may not know is Susan is a wonderful cook and baker, and though we're hesitant to promise anything, we know Susan often provides great treats for her Yank and Yak volunteers.  The morning we visited, she'd  made mini-southwestern quiches!

Volunteer opportunities are available at the Center anytime, so if you want to get involved, just contact Susan and see what might fit your schedule and interests.  Enjoy!

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